Our Bankruptcy Lawyer Will Help You Move Forward
When it is time to stop being stuck with debt and to start getting out of debt, contact our bankruptcy lawyer at the Law Offices of Steven Ibarra. Our team can provide you with the information and guidance you need to decide if filing for bankruptcy is the right step for your financial future. We can also assist you in determining which type of bankruptcy is appropriate for your financial situation and support you with legal representation throughout the process.

Different Types of Bankruptcy in the State of California
Depending on your individual situation and circumstances, you may be able to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy in the State of California. Our bankruptcy lawyer will review all your financial details and other information related to your case to help you determine which type of bankruptcy filing best matches your case. The two most common types of bankruptcy are:
- Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. This type of bankruptcy is chosen for individuals who cannot afford monthly debt payments and who want to completely eliminate their debt. Chapter 7 prevents you from obtaining credit for eight years after filing.
- Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. This type of bankruptcy is chosen when an individual is behind on credit payments but wants to continue to repay their debts. Chapter 13 bankruptcy remains on your credit report for seven years.
You do not need to know which type of bankruptcy you wish to file before contacting us. Your lawyer will present you with all your options and assist you in making that determination.
What to Expect When You File for Bankruptcy
Different types of bankruptcy have different financial consequences that will impact you in both the short term and the long term. As your bankruptcy lawyer, it is our goal to help you understand these consequences so that you can make payments to your creditors and fulfill your obligations while also planning for your financial future.
Contact Us Today to Start Working on a Better Tomorrow
For expert advice from a bankruptcy lawyer, call the Law Offices of Steven Ibarra at (562) 735-0828 to schedule a free consultation, or fill out the contact request form and someone from our office will reach out to you as quickly as possible to get you scheduled.